Schrepf A, Williams DA, Gallop R, Naliboff BD, Basu N, Kaplan C, Harper DE, Landis JR, Clemens JQ, Strachan E, Griffith JW, Afari N, Hassett A, Pontari MA, Clauw DJ, Harte SE; MAPP Research Network. Sensory sensitivity and symptom severity represent unique dimensions of chronic pain: a MAPP Research Network study.Pain. 2018 Oct;159(10):2002-2011. doi: 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000001299. [PMID: 29863527] [PMC6705610] Keywords: Interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome; Factor analysis; statistical; Fibromyalgia; Central nervous system sensitization; Interoception.