
Composition of MAPP I EPS, MAPP II SPS and MAPP II SPS/EPS Participants

The Trans-MAPP Epidemiology and Phenotyping Study (EPS) enrolled a cohort of 1,039 men and women, including UCPPS participants (n = 424), participants with one or more COPCs (n = 200), and healthy controls (n = 415). The Trans-MAPP Symptom Patterns Study (SPS) included men and women with UCPPS (n=620) and healthy controls (n=73). Eighty-three UCPPS participants from the original EPS continued periodic follow-up after the EPS then enrolled in the SPS. Demographic and clinical characteristics of MAPP I and MAPP II study participants are provided in the table below.

Demographic and clinical characteristics of MAPP I and MAPP II study participants

Domain Measurement MAPP I EPS MAPP II SPS p-value
(MAPP I vs. II)
(Re-enrolled from MAPP I)
Number of Participants
N 424 620   83
  Age (years) Mean (StdDev) 43.4 (15.1) 44.4 (15.7) <0.0001 48.8 (14.5)
  Sex=Male N (%) 191 (45.1%) 210 (33.9%) 0.001 45 (54.2)
  Race=White N (%) 374 (88.8%) 543 (87.7%) 0.61 81 (97.6)
  Employed N (%) 278 (65.7%) 394 (63.6%) 0.29 53 (63.9)
$50,000 or less
N (%)
143 (37.1%) 201 (36.4%)
26 (34.2)
$50,001 to $100,000 122 (31.7%) 196 (35.4%) 21 (27.6)
More than $100,000 120 (31.2%) 156 (28.2%) 29 (38.2)
  Duration of Symptoms (years) Mean (StdDev) 8.5 (10.6) 11.9 (11.5) <0.0001 13.0 (9.3)
Urological Symptoms
  Pain (0–10) (SYMQ-1) Mean (StdDev) 5.1 (2.2) 4.8 (2.0) 0.002 4.0 (2.1)
  Overall Pelvic/Urologic Symptoms (0–10) (SYMQ-5) Mean (StdDev) 5.2 (2.3) 5.1 (2.2) 0.24 4.2 (2.2)
  GUPI Total Score (0–45) Mean (StdDev) 25.5 (8.7) 25.7 (8.5) 0.21 22.0 (8.9)
  GUPI Pain Subscale (0–23) Mean (StdDev) 12.5 (4.5) 12.8 (4.2) 0.98 11.4 (4.3)
  IC Symptom Index (0–20) Mean (StdDev) 9.7 (4.7) 10.0 (4.5) 0.61 9.6 (4.3)
  IC Problem Index (0–16) Mean (StdDev) 8.5 (4.4) 8.7 (4.0) 0.87 7.6 (4.1)
  AUA Symptom Index (0–35)* Mean (StdDev) 15.5 (8.5) 14.8 (8.2) 0.09 14.5 (8.2)
UCPPS Primary Severity Scales
Urologic Pain Severity Scale (0–28) Mean (StdDev) 14.9 (5.6) 15.5 (5.2) 0.52 13.8 (5.4)
Urinary Severity Scale (0–25) Mean (StdDev) 12.6 (6.2) 12.5 (6.0) 0.36 11.7 (5.8)
Non-Urological Symptoms
  Overall NON-Pelvic/NON-Urologic Symptoms (0–10) (SYMQ-6) Mean (StdDev) 3.3 (2.7) 3.5 (2.7) 0.04 3.5 (2.6)
  Pain-Detect Total (−1–38) Mean (StdDev)   10.8 (6.2)   9.3 (6.5)
  Fibromyalgia Total Score (0–31) Mean (StdDev) 8.4 (5.4) 8.5 (5.2) 0.9 7.9 (6.0)
  FM-WPI Score (0–19) Mean (StdDev) 3.3 (3.5) 2.9 (3.3) 0.76 2.9 (3.9)
  FM-SS Score (0–12) Mean (StdDev) 5.1 (2.8) 5.5 (3.0) 0.11 4.9 (3.1)
  HADS Anxiety (0–21) Mean (StdDev) 7.7 (4.5) 8.0 (4.7) 0.95 6.6 (4.3)
  HADS Depression (0–21) Mean (StdDev) 5.4 (4.2) 5.4 (4.0) 0.4 4.5 (3.6)
  Perceived Stress Score (0–40) Mean (StdDev) 16.4 (7.9) 16.5 (7.9) 0.13 13.8 (7.3)
  PROMIS Fatigue (T-Score) T-Score 54.8 (8.8) 55.8 (9.4) 0.5 53.9 (9.1)
  PROMIS Sleep (T-Score) T-Score 54.4 (9.3) 55.3 (8.9) 0.4 54.3 (9.0)
  WHO-DAS (0–48) Mean (StdDev)   11.1 (9.0)   8.8 (8.6)
PCS* (Z-Score) Mean (StdDev) 47.4 (10.3) 45.6 (10.0) 0.02 47.7 (10.2)
MCS* (Z-Score) Mean (StdDev) 43.8 (10.5) 43.3 (10.8) 0.93 45.1 (9.2)

Summary Tables and Figures for Collected Data, Biosamples, and Additional Measures

MAPP Research Network MAPP I EPS and MAPP II SPS clinical data, neuroscans, and biological samples are currently available to the larger scientific community through the NIDDK Central Repository. It is anticipated this large and unique National resource developed through MAPP Network studies will support further critical investigations into UCPPS pathophysiology and clinical considerations.

Please see the NIDDK Central Repository ( website for information on available resources from the MAPP Network and other NIDDK consortium and policies for access.

Selected, summary Tables and Figures are presented here to aid the reader in understanding what was collected through MAPP Network studies.

Biospecimen Collection Tables

Comparison of MAPP I EPS & MAPP II SPS Participants with QST, Neuroscans and Biospecimens at Baseline Visit

Figure depicts data and other assessment metrics and biological samples collected as of 7/7/2023 for respective numbers of MAPP I EPS and MAPP II SPS UCPPS study participants at Baseline. Areas where multiple data and biological metrics were collected are noted in overlapping regions. Abbreviations: MAST/PPT, Multi-modal Automated Sensory Testing/Pressure Pain Testing; RSfMRI, Resting State Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Noted “Biomarker Urine” was collected using MAPP Network Best Practices specific for potential biomarker studies.

3-circle venn diagram showing MAPP I baseline participants: MAST/PPT = 62; PPT+ Imaging = 13; Neuroimaging RS2 Scan = 54; PPT+Urine = 62; Imaging+Urine = 54; Biomarker Urine 3+3- ml tubes = 424.
3-circle venn diagram showing MAPP II baseline participants as of July 7, 2023: MAST/PPT = 504; PPT+ Imaging = 409; Neuroimaging RS2 Scan = 465; PPT+Urine = 478; Imaging+Urine = 443; Biomarker Urine 3+3- ml tubes = 549.