Kusek JW
- Clemens JQ, Stephens-Shields A, Naliboff BD, Lai HH, Rodriguez L, Krieger JN, Williams DA, Kusek JW, Landis JR; MAPP Research Network. Correlates of health care seeking activities in patients with urological chronic pelvic pain syndromes: findings from the MAPP Cohort. J Urol. 2018 Jul;200(1):136-140. doi: 10.1016/j.juro.2017.12.055. Epub 2018 Jan 4. [PMID: 29307682] [PMC6002941]
Keywords: cystitis; interstitial; patient acceptance of health care; pelvic pain; prostate; urinary bladder. - Sutcliffe S, Jemielita T, Lai HH, Andriole GL, Bradley CS, Clemens JQ, Gallop R, Hooton TM, Kreder KJ, Krieger JN, Kusek JW, Labus J, Lucia MS, Mackey S, Naliboff BD, Robinson NA, Rodriguez LV, Stephens-Shields A, van Bokhoven A, Wolin KY, Yan Y, Yang CC, Landis JR, Colditz GA; MAPP Research Network. A case-crossover study of urological chronic pelvic pain syndrome flare triggers in the MAPP Research Network. J Urol. 2018 May;199(5):1245-1251. doi: 10.1016/j.juro.2017.12.050. Epub 2017 Dec 27. [PMID: 29288643] [PMC5911194]
Keywords: cystitis; interstitial; prostatitis; surveys and questionnaires; symptom flare up; urinary bladder. - Naliboff BD, Stephens AJ, Lai HH, Griffith JW, Clemens JQ, Lutgendorf S, Rodriguez LV, Newcomb C, Sutcliffe S, Guo W, Kusek JW, Landis JR; MAPP Research Network. Clinical and psychosocial predictors of urological chronic pelvic pain symptom change in 1 year: a prospective study from the MAPP Research Network. J Urol. 2017 Oct;198(4):848-857. doi: 10.1016/j.juro.2017.05.065. Epub 2017 May 18. [PMID: 28528930] [PMC5720154]
Keywords: cystitis; interstitial; pelvic pain; prostate; prostatitis; urinary bladder. - Kutch JJ, Ichesco E, Hampson JP, Labus JS, Farmer MA, Martucci KT, Ness TJ, Deutsch G, Apkarian AV, Mackey SC, Klumpp DJ, Schaeffer AJ, Rodriguez LV, Kreder KJ, Buchwald D, Andriole GL, Lai HH, Mullins C, Kusek JW, Landis JR, Mayer EA, Clemens JQ, Clauw DJ, Harris RE; MAPP Research Network. Brain signature and functional impact of centralized pain: a multidisciplinary approach to the study of chronic pelvic pain (MAPP) network study. Pain. 2017 Oct;158(10):1979-1991. doi: 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000001001. [PMID: 28692006] [PMC5964335]
Keywords: Centralized; Chronic; Pain; fMRI; Widespread; Fibromyalgia; Pelvic; VBM; Connectivity. - Griffith JW, Stephens-Shields AJ, Hou X, Naliboff BD, Pontari M, Edwards TC, Williams DA, Clemens JQ, Afari N, Tu F, Lloyd RB, Patrick DL, Mullins C, Kusek JW, Sutcliffe S, Hong BA, Lai HH, Krieger JN, Bradley CS, Kim J, Landis JR. Pain and urinary symptoms should not be combined into a single score: psychometric findings from the MAPP Research Network. J Urol. 2016 Apr;195(4 Pt 1):949-54. doi: 10.1016/j.juro.2015.11.012. Epub 2015 Nov 14. [PMID: 26585679] [PMC4867140]
Keywords: chronic pain; cystitis, interstitial; factor analysis, statistical; prostatitis; urinary bladder. - Alger JR, Ellingson BM, Ashe-McNalley C, Woodworth DC, Labus JS, Farmer M, Huang L, Apkarian AV, Johnson KA, Mackey SC, Ness TJ, Deutsch G, Harris RE, Clauw DJ, Glover GH, Parrish TB, Hollander Jd, Kusek JW, Mullins C, Mayer EA; MAPP Research Network Investigators. Multisite, multimodal neuroimaging of chronic urological pelvic pain: Methodology of the MAPP Research Network. Neuroimage Clin. 2016 Jan 6;12:65-77. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2015.12.009. eCollection 2016. [PMID: 27408791] [PMC4925887]
Keywords: Brain; Diffusion tensor imaging [DTI]; Functional magnetic resonance imaging; Magnetic resonance imaging; TransMAPP; Urologic chronic pelvic pain syndromes. - Clemens JQ, Clauw DJ, Kreder K, Krieger JN, Kusek JW, Lai HH, Rodriguez L, Williams DA, Hou X, Stephens A, Landis JR; MAPP Research Network. Comparison of baseline urological symptoms in men and women in the MAPP research cohort. J Urol. 2015 May;193(5):1554-8. doi: 10.1016/j.juro.2014.11.016. Epub 2014 Nov 13. [PMID: 25463989] [PMC4454891]
Keywords: chronic pain; cystitis; interstitial; pelvic pain; prostatitis. - Landis JR, Williams DA, Lucia MS, Clauw DJ, Naliboff BD, Robinson NA, van Bokhoven A, Sutcliffe S, Schaeffer AJ, Rodriguez LV, Mayer EA, Lai HH, Krieger JN, Kreder KJ, Afari N, Andriole GL, Bradley CS, Griffith JW, Klumpp DJ, Hong BA, Lutgendorf SK, Buchwald D, Yang CC, Mackey S, Pontari MA, Hanno P, Kusek JW, Mullins C, Clemens JQ; MAPP Research Network Study Group. The MAPP research network: design, patient characterization and operations. BMC Urol. 2014 Aug 1;14:58. doi: 10.1186/1471-2490-14-58. [PMID: 25085119] [PMC4126395]
Keywords: Urologic chronic pelvic pain syndromes; Interstitial cystitis; Chronic prostatitis; Urine biomarkers; Plasma biomarkers; Non-urologic associated syndromes; Quantitative sensory testing (QST); Neuroimaging. - Clemens JQ, Mullins C, Kusek JW, Kirkali Z, Mayer EA, Rodríguez LV, Klumpp DJ, Schaeffer AJ, Kreder KJ, Buchwald D, Andriole GL, Lucia MS, Landis JR, Clauw DJ; MAPP Research Network Study Group. The MAPP research network: a novel study of urologic chronic pelvic pain syndromes. BMC Urol. 2014 Aug 1;14:57. doi: 10.1186/1471-2490-14-57. [PMID: 25085007] [PMC4134515]
Keywords: Urological chronic pelvic pain syndromes; Interstitial cystitis; Chronic prostatitis; Translational research; Multi-disciplinary.