
Pain and urinary symptoms should not be combined into a single score: psychometric findings from the MAPP Research Network.

Griffith JW, Stephens-Shields AJ, Hou X, Naliboff BD, Pontari M, Edwards TC, Williams DA, Clemens JQ, Afari N, Tu F, Lloyd RB, Patrick DL, Mullins C, Kusek JW, Sutcliffe S, Hong BA, Lai HH, Krieger JN, Bradley CS, Kim J, Landis JR. Pain and urinary symptoms should not be combined into a single score: psychometric findings from the MAPP Research Network. J Urol. 2016 Apr;195(4 Pt 1):949-54. doi: 10.1016/j.juro.2015.11.012. Epub 2015 Nov 14. [PMID: 26585679] [PMC4867140]
Keywords: chronic pain; cystitis, interstitial; factor analysis, statistical; prostatitis; urinary bladder.
