
The MAPP research network: design, patient characterization and operations.

Landis JR, Williams DA, Lucia MS, Clauw DJ, Naliboff BD, Robinson NA, van Bokhoven A, Sutcliffe S, Schaeffer AJ, Rodriguez LV, Mayer EA, Lai HH, Krieger JN, Kreder KJ, Afari N, Andriole GL, Bradley CS, Griffith JW, Klumpp DJ, Hong BA, Lutgendorf SK, Buchwald D, Yang CC, Mackey S, Pontari MA, Hanno P, Kusek JW, Mullins C, Clemens JQ; MAPP Research Network Study Group. The MAPP research network: design, patient characterization and operations. BMC Urol. 2014 Aug 1;14:58. doi: 10.1186/1471-2490-14-58. [PMID: 25085119] [PMC4126395]
Keywords: Urologic chronic pelvic pain syndromes; Interstitial cystitis; Chronic prostatitis; Urine biomarkers; Plasma biomarkers; Non-urologic associated syndromes; Quantitative sensory testing (QST); Neuroimaging.
